Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Profil Jurusan TPHP

Agricultural Food Processing Technique Skill Program (TPHP)

This program educating and train student which is have competence at processing technology department and quality control of food and also growing up business sense that capable to compete. This majority program have a good professional teacher and also adequate facilities and basic facilities. Through activity of existing production unit of this majority program can serve pre-eminent products order such as Nata de coco, Bottle tea, Cocktail, several kind of food and beverage, several kind of instant product and also another pre-eminent products.

This Program has been made relation with:

1. PT Mirota Yogjakarta

2. LPMP Surabaya

3. PT Coca Cola Botling Indonesia Ungaran

4. PT Sinar Sosro Unggaran

5. PT IndofoodnSukses Makmur Tbk Semarang

6. PT Buana Surya Semesta Semarang

7. PG Trangkil Pati

8. PT Mijasa Mitra Pati

9. PG Rendeng Kudus

10. Sub Dolog Kudus

11. PT Mubarokfood Kudus

12. PJ Dua Keris Kudus

13. Lisca Catering Jepara

14. Arie Bakery Jepara

15. Adinda Catering Jepara

16. Fanny Catering Jepara

17. Anita Catering Jepara

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